Club Penguin Online Wiki
Penguin Of The Week logo

The logo

Penguin of the Week (PoTW) was an event on the What's New? blog. Staff chose penguins to give this award to based on their behaviour and interaction in the game and the Discord server. The winners of Penguin of the Week received the Green Viking Helmet, the Penguin of the Week Background and 5,000 coins.

On August 11, 2019 the feature got replaced by the Penguin of the Month.


Below is a list of all winners of the Penguin of the Week.

Date Number Winner Community Description
July 20, 2019 #121 EltonJohn Portuguese Elton tem sido muito ativo na comunidade e está sempre me mandando denúncias do servidor PT, é muito cordial e sempre muito simpático com todos, portanto merece tal reconhecimento. - Harls
July 20, 2019 #120 Freijord Spanish Freijord un leal camarada que nos acompaña desde hace un tiempo, amigable y alegre apoyando a cada evento que realizamos, también se encarga de los que se portan mal aportando a la comunidad, gracias frei, hoy te mereces esto! - Icedanx
July 20, 2019 #119 Tpumps English Tpumps is an active user both in-game and on Discord. She can be seen helping out other users as well as our staff team. She tweets frequently about all of the fun she has on CPO and she shares her bright personality with the entire community. She has been well deserving of this title. Congratulations Tpumps! - Megs
June 16, 2019 #118 RVCRVC Portuguese RVC tem sido muito ativo recentemente, ele é uma ótima companhia nos servidores do CPO e eu, pessoalmente, sempre rio horrores quando estamos todos juntos. Muita gratidão por ter você aqui, RVC! - Harls
June 16, 2019 #117 The President Spanish Tp nuestro buen amigo que nos apoya con los jugadores que se portan mal, asiste a los eventos y nos brinda su amistad, gracias por tu apoyo te mereces esto y esperamos mucho más de ti! - Icedanx
June 16, 2019 #116 Jaakee English Jake is a very helpful user. You can find him tweeting and chatting with our users in our Discord. He helps out our staff by reporting users and ensuring our users are pointed into the right direction for help. He is kind and has a great sense of humor. Congratulations Jake! - Megs
June 6, 2019 #115 Rriksom Portuguese rriksom esteve no jogo já faz 158+ dias e acredito que ele merece um reconhecimento, talvez nunca veja esse post, porém, estive observando ele e acho que é digno de reconhecimento - Harls
June 6, 2019 #114 Trapeta Spanish Trapeta una amigo super loco, re alegre, que esta presente en todas las actividades, ayuda a la comunidad por medio de reportes, siempre está ahí para escucharte y darte un consejo, es un gran amigo y es muy seguro que te la pases muy bien a su lado, por eso y más es que tiene merecido esto, ¡felicidades! - Icedanx
June 6, 2019 #113 Flypin1 English Flypin1 is a very great member within our community. She takes the time to welcome new users, and even talking to one another as to get along with. She also reports bad behavior to our staff. Her personality to make others laugh, and to feel better is pure. She is well deserving of this title. Right on Fly!- Bucky
May 25, 2019 #112 AzuzinhoBK13 Portuguese Azuzinho já esteve no jogo à 4 meses ou mais, e talvez ser escolhido seja uma surpresa para ele, pois, ele não está em nosso servidor do discord, porém, adoro ver seus eventos de estilo e festas no igloo, são realmente divertidas e contagiantes, obrigado por participar do jogo! - Harls
May 25, 2019 #111 Yisus100 Spanish Ranger un jugador activo, que se esfuerza cada día por ser mejor, atiende una pizzería en algún servidor y ¡Lo puedes ver para comer una pizza !, ayuda con los reportes y es muy amable, felicidades compañero! te lo mereces y sigue siendo como siempre. - Icedanx
May 25, 2019 #110 SpyChloe English SpyChloe has been playing Club Penguin Online for well over a year now and is a very friendly member of the community. She works as a Moderator for the Wiki and can often be found making edits or creating images for Wiki pages. She is one of the most active and knowledgeable Wiki staff and her contributions are greatly valued by the Club Penguin Online staff team. - Queen Badger
May 16, 2019 #109 Mariazinhaa Portuguese Por mais que não esteja no discord do CPO, está sempre tentando unir a comunidade, ela é extremamente respeitosa e não se deixa levar por insultos. Obrigado por estar aqui! - Harls
May 16, 2019 #108 Mae0511 Spanish Mae es nuestra tímida y muy amable compañera, participa en los eventos que organizamos y ¡Le gusta hablar con todos! siempre ayudando con los que se portan mal, y divirtiéndose con todos, por eso y por su gran dedicación y amor a CPO le damos el premio de hoy, muchas gracias Mae y felicidades. - Icedanx
May 16, 2019 #107 Zom1264 English Zom1264 is a very active user on both in-game and on our Discord. You can find him helping our staff members in the report channel, with misbehaving users. He takes the time to welcome new users, and even chatting everyone in-game, and also on our Discord to get to know other users. Awesome sauce Zom! - Bucky
May 4, 2019 #106 SRMISUKAGE2 Portuguese SRMISUKAGE2 está sempre ativo e me mandando reports constantemente, sempre tentando argumentar o que é melhor para nossos servidores e comunidade e apontando fatos interessantes, consideramos muito isso em um jogador. - Harls
May 4, 2019 #105 Catita Spanish Catita o Cati, es una tierna y amable compañera de CPO, cada día se esmera por ayudar a los demás, siempre divertida y asistiendo a cada actividad que hacemos, su amor por todos es inmenso y nos ha dado su amistad de una forma muy hermosa, gracias Cati por todo, esperamos que te quedes con nosotros siempre. - Icedanx
May 4, 2019 #104 Lisa English Lisa, also known to me as 'The Little One', is a very active member of the Club Penguin Online community. She has been part of the community for over a year now and has even been part of our moderator team in the past. She's extremely kind and playful and it's a pleasure to have someone like her apart of our community. - Riley
May 2, 2019 #103 Tulipa7 Portuguese Tulipa7, mais conhecida como pipoca, já está na comunidade há bastante tempo e tem-se sempre mantido ativa e a interagir com os outros membros. Ela é muito simpática e divertida, traz sempre animação à comunidade e já estava na altura de ter o reconhecimento que merece. - Wrestlingwwe
May 2, 2019 #102 TheYopro 8v Spanish Nuestro querido amigo TheYopro 8v, es un usuario activo, que todo el tiempo está ayudando a la comunidad, le gusta participar en actividades y pasar tiempo con sus amigos, es una persona con la que definitivamente pasarías un buen rato y reírte de sus ocurrencias. ¡Gracias a tus actos es que mereces esto! - Andrea99
May 2, 2019 #101 Vivala English Vivala1216 is a very active user, both on CPO and on our Discord. You can find them helping our staff out in the report channel, as well as chatting with everyone in-game, and getting to know others within our community. We love having them be apart of our community! They are a very sweet penguin and are well deserving of this title. Congrats Vivala! - Megs
April 21, 2019 #100 Moskolold Portuguese Molkolold já esteve na comunidade por um tempo, e por mais que eu não o conheça muito bem, acredito que por sua atividade e carisma no jogo, é digno de alguma consideração. - Harls
April 21, 2019 #99 Ludwiing Spanish Ludwiing o nuestro querido amigo Lud, un usuario muy divertido y extrovertido, le encanta participar en actividades junto a los demás y pasar un buen rato con todos, además con sus reportes constantes ayuda bastante a que la comunidad esté bien, ¡gracias Lud por ser de apoyo y querer a la comunidad! - Andrea99
April 21, 2019 #98 Birkenstocks English Birkenstocks is a very active CPO member. She reports bad behavior to our moderators and even runs a blog about CPO. She takes the time out of her day to make everyone feel important and appreciated. She has a vibrant personality so if you see her around make sure you say hello! - Kiwii
April 13, 2019 #97 Bizzo Portuguese Bizzo é sempre muito ativa e está sempre tentando se divertir com todo mundo e participar de eventos do CPO, estamos sempre vendo ela conversando com as pessoas e sendo sempre bastante amigável. Obrigado por tornar nossa comunidade mais especial! - Harls
April 13, 2019 #96 Louist9128 Spanish Louist9128 o las conocida como 'Jess' o 'La meka asies' es una usuaria que además de ser muy activa en discord y en el juego, es una persona muy alegre y divertida. Pasar el tiempo con ella es una de las mejores cosas que pueden pasar porque nos reímos mucho con sus ocurrencias también es una gran amiga con la cual podrás contar siempre y bailar hasta romper la pista de baile. - Icedanx
April 13, 2019 #95 CPMonkey English A Hard working Club Penguiner. This week's player of the week has been awarded because he's a monkey on Club Penguin. Never seen before and may never be done again. - Epic101
April 7, 2019 #94 Samsnick Portuguese Sams é um jogador muito ativo da comunidade, sempre está tentando unir todo mundo e já faz um tempinho que ele está entre nós, tenho muito carinho por ele e acho que depois de tanto apoio para a comunidade, ele é digno de alguma consideração. - Harls
April 7, 2019 #93 Jaibo Bros Spanish Nuestro gran amigo Jaibo, un respetable compañero que nos ayuda a diario a llevar las vivencias de cpo a todo el mundo, crea videos y da sonrisas a todos sus seguidores, nos ha aportado mucho tanto con los jugadores buenos y los malos, así que hoy te mereces esto Jaibo Bros, gracias por tus esfuerzos con CPO esperamos que nos ayudes más y entre todos hagamos de esta comunidad la mejor. - Icedanx
April 7, 2019 #92 Spotty803 English Spotty is a former staff and long time player of Club Penguin Online. Ever since she rejoined the community she has been extremely active in-game, the Discord server and Twitter. She's friendly to everyone she talks to and is also leader of the Help Force, one of the biggest armies on CPO. - Riley
March 30, 2019 #91 Stillo578 Portuguese Stillo578 é um jogador muito ativo no Club Penguin Online, ele tem um canal de youtube onde posta vários vídeos do CPO, desde festas até casamentos! Ele também faz vários edits e arte do CPO. Ele é um jogador muito simpático, bastante ativo no discord e contribui muito com os seus reports. - Wrestlingwwe
March 30, 2019 #90 Milly Spanish Milly o MELE es nuestra querida compañera desde hace bastante tiempo, su amabilidad y comprensión la han hecho merecedora de recibir esto el día de hoy, anima a la gente y apoya con los reportes, le gusta participar en todas las actividades, y esta en el corazón de muchos, gracias por ser tan divertida y alocada disfruta de tu día asies. - Icedanx
March 30, 2019 #89 Bubbles English Bubbles is an active user both in-game and on Discord. You can find them enforcing our rules and helping out members, especially in-game. They are very helpful and are seen reporting quite frequently. They’re well-deserving of this title. Congratulations Bubbles! - Megs
March 28, 2019 #88 Deysee1 Portuguese Deysse é uma ótima pessoa, pode não estar ativa sempre, porém, é muito simpática, gentil e amigável com todos aqui do CPO - Harls
March 28, 2019 #87 Splinter25 Spanish Splinter25 nuestro querido amigo de la mafia, es un usuario divertido y muy atento, ayuda a la comunidad con reportes y todo el tiempo está dispuesto a serlo, ¡gracias por ayudar a que la comunidad sea un buen lugar Splinter25! - Icedanx
March 28, 2019 #86 Rachelrue2 English Rachelrue2 is a very friendly, optimistic, and hard working user on our Discord and in-game. She's always on a roll when perplexed users have questions as she answers them, and even welcoming others. She is also very active on her Twitter, and even on her YouTube Channel. Her creativity also sparks of her making igloos as she shares them towards the CPOnline community. Rachel is always giving us a hand reporting players who are disobedient. Well done Rachel, your creative thinking didn't go unnoticed! - Bucky
March 23, 2019 #85 Leeo Portuguese Leeo esteve bem ativo recentemente, está sempre apoiando minhas decisões e nunca se mete em problemas ou drama, é também bastante amigável e simpático. - Harls
March 23, 2019 #84 Roninoe Spanish Roninoe un usuario que con sus constantes reportes ayuda a la comunidad para todo se encuentre bien, a pesar de ser un poco tímido es alguien demasiado divertido con quien que podrías pasar un buen rato y también alguien con un gran corazón. ¡Gracias Roninoe por formar parte de la comunidad! - Icedanx
March 23, 2019 #83 CHRISTENE English Christene is a very active user on our Discord and in-game. You'll find Christene as she makes YouTube videos and sharing them towards the Club Penguin Online community. She is also extremely a helpful user, as she reports misbehaving users, and also welcoming others. Nicely done Christene, your hard work didn't go unnoticed! - Bucky
March 10, 2019 #82 Ririgege03 Portuguese Riri é uma ótima pessoa, além de estar sempre ativa, conversar com todo mundo e participar dos eventos da comunidade pt, é muito simpática e amigavel! - Harls
March 10, 2019 #81 Edsum Spanish Edsum un compañero que esta atento a todo! ayuda a mantener el orden en cpo y se divierte con sus amigos, gracias por ayudarnos siempre edsum! te meresces esto!. - Icedanx
March 10, 2019 #80 Danger6106 English Danger6106 is a very loyal and active user on Club Penguin Online. Although he is very new to the game, he has shown a lot of commitment and loyalty towards Club Penguin Online. He runs a CPO blog named 'The Club Penguin Online' and is an active member on our Discord server and on Twitter. - Riley
March 5, 2019 #79 JL Portuguese JL é muito ativo no jogo e no discord, e já esteve conosco por algum tempo, esta sempre fora do drama geral e contribui bastante com reports. - Harls
March 5, 2019 #78 Alkimisam Spanish Desde lo más profundo del inframundo....viene nuestro querido amigo sam! Damashi o como todos le decimos SAM es un particular compañero de magias oscuras pero de un corazón más puro que el agua, siempre ayudando en todo, participando en nuestras actividades y activo en nuestras redes, se divierte junto con todos y apoya a cualquier alma necesitada, a las buenas y también a las que no se portan bien, gracias sam por hacer de esta comunidad la mejor. - Icedanx
March 5, 2019 #77 Picklelover2 English Picklelover2 is a part of our amazing community. He helps out our users whenever needed, both in-game and on our Discord. You can find him chatting with and welcoming members into our community. He’s also active on Twitter. He enjoys chocolate covered pickles. Congrats Ethan! - Megs
February 27, 2019 #76 Jope Portuguese á faz um tempo que Jope está no discord e na comunidade, ajuda com reports sempre que possível, é gentil e amigável com todos e tem um coração enorme! - Harls
February 27, 2019 #75 Patopescados Spanish Quien mejor para pasar un momento agradable y divertido, Patopescados, Una usuaria carismatica, divertida y extrovertida, cuando ella aparece ten en cuenta que pasaras grandes momentos de diversión con sus alocadas aventuras. Una excelente amiga dispuesta a ayudar a quienes lo necesiten. - Icedanx
February 27, 2019 #74 Rorange10 English Rorange10 is an active user both on our Discord and in-game. You can find them creating YouTube videos and sharing them with our community. They are also active in reporting users us. Be sure to check out their videos and to congratulate them! - Megs
February 21, 2019 #73 Lauren Smith Portuguese LaurenSmith tem sido muito ativa recentemente e é sempre amigavel, por esta razão acho que ela merece algum tipo de consideração, continue sendo a pessoa incrível que você é! - Harls
February 21, 2019 #72 Teo Spanish Teo nuestro gran amigo desde hace tiempo, siempre a nuestro lado ayudando y riendo, cualquiera estaría muy feliz de tenerlo como amigo y nosotros nos sentimos agradecidos por eso, así que hoy eres tu la estrella te lo mereces, eres grande Teo recuérdalo. - Icedanx
February 21, 2019 #71 Avia English Avia is an active member both in game and on discord. She is a youtuber and posts fun and helpful videos about our CPO community. In her spare time, she also helps report bad behavior to our moderators to help keep the community safe. Way to go Avia! - Kiwii
February 9, 2019 #70 AlaskaIce Portuguese AlaskaIce é muito ativo e sempre esta me ajudando com reports, acredito que ele seja bem popular e simpático na comunidade. - Harls
February 9, 2019 #69 AnaSof04 Spanish Ana es nuestra compañera alegre y alocada, ella tiene un corazón enorme y su amor es para todos, siempre atenta ayudando a los nuevos jugadores, con sus divertidas ocurrencias nos alegra a el día todos, intenta siempre mejorar a pesar de sus tropiezos.- Icedanx
February 9, 2019 #68 Molly44997 English Molly44997 is an active user in-game as well as on our Discord. She is always finding new ways to help out other members, as well as having fun with her friends. You can find her reporting users and welcoming new members in our Discord. - Megs
February 3, 2019 #67 Montreal Portuguese Montreal é um jogador muito simpático e querido pela comunidade, é muito ativo e esta sempre ajudando a todos com os reports, tenho que dizer que ele é um jogador excelente. - Harls
February 3, 2019 #66 Josuepk Spanish Josue es un jugador activo y buen compañero en cpo, amigable y alegre, participa en la mayoría de actividades que hacemos y siempre está para apoyar a un amigo, cuando ama a algo es perseverante en conseguirlo. - Icedanx
February 3, 2019 #65 Col Dod 2 English Col Dod 2 is an active user, both in-game and on our Discord. You can find him helping out our users each day, as well as cracking some jokes. He is an ETA Moderator, and he enjoys being dressed up as a chicken! - Megs
January 28, 2019 #64 Ngm270 Portuguese Ngm270 é sempre muito amigável com todos no Discord do CPO, e pelo tempo que eu estive observando suas ações, atividade no jogo, etc, acredito que ele representa a comunidade muito bem, quando se trata de passear com os amigos pela ilha e ajudar. - Harls
January 28, 2019 #63 Multilunaf Spanish Multilunaf o como nosotros le decimos Star, es una gran compañera en cpo, siempre esta en nuestras aventuras y locuras , ayuda mucho a mantener el orden tanto en discord como en el juego..en verdad será la mejor "reina de mewni - Icedanx
January 28, 2019 #62 Nofabric English nofabric is an active user in our community. You can find them helping out users both in-game and on our Discord server, as well as find them actively tweeting. They make some amazing artwork for our community as well. You can find them wearing their signature item, a snowman head, with any outfit! - Megs
January 19, 2019 #61 TicoBBG Portuguese Tico é sempre muito prestativo, mandando reports e denunciando atividades suspeitas para mim, estou sempre vendo ele ativo no jogo e por isso acredito que ele seja um bom exemplo para a comunidade. - Presse
January 19, 2019 #60 PikatchuCP Spanish PikatchuCP es un viejo miembro de la comunidad hispana de CPO. Participó de la fiesta BETA en persona y actualmente participa de casi todas las actividades de la comunidad, además destaca por tener un canal de YouTube con 240 subscriptores a los que mantiene informados acerca de las novedades en la isla con un nuevo vídeo cada semana. Puedes encontrar este simpático pingüino en Discord, Twitter y YouTube. - Icedanx
January 19, 2019 #59 Star5108 English Star5108 is an active member of Club Penguin Online and is an extremely helpful user. She's part of the Help Force and actively represents CPO on Discord, Twitter and in-game. She is most active on Twitter, helping people whenever she can. Her kind nature has not gone unnoticed. - Riley
January 12, 2019 #58 Math1 Portuguese Math é um membro muito ativo, que esta sempre procurando selos e mascotes junto com o pessoal dos servidores pt, posso dizer honestamente, que ele diverte a todos e é alguém muito especial, além de contribuir com reports, fico muito feliz de ter Math em nosso jogo! - Harls
January 12, 2019 #57 Anibal Spanish Nuestro querido amigo Anibal ha estado con nosotros por mucho tiempo, y nos ha ayudado en muchas cosas! su humor y su estilo son increíbles, siempre apoyando a un amigo aunque suele ser muy curioso. - Icedanx
January 12, 2019 #56 Soccerlover7 English Soccerlover7 is a kind and helpful person to Club Penguin Online. She reports daily and is always welcoming new people onto the server and helping out where she can. Not only that but she runs a CPO Twitter where she uploads frequently. A fine member of the CPO community. - Jazmine
January 5, 2019 #55 Ayuu Portuguese Ayuu é um membro ativo da comunidade e esta sempre me ajudando com reports, ela é amigável e sempre esta disposta a ajudar, eu posso dizer, do fundo do meu coração que ela é um membro muito especial não só para mim, mas para a comunidade. Ela mostra em todos os seus reports que não se trata apenas de "quebrar" as regras, ela mostra que CPO, como uma comunidade, deve sempre se ajudar, e eu sempre serei grato pela ajuda. - Presse
January 5, 2019 #54 Aliu3 Spanish En cuanto a jugadores activos y amigables, resalta aliu, él es un gran compañero y siempre nos ayuda en lo que necesitemos le encanta divertirse y poner una sonrisa en sus amigos cuando estan tristes, le encanta jugar a cpo y participar en los eventos. - Icedanx
January 5, 2019 #53 Ryan 407 English Ryan 407 is a very friendly and active user who optimistically loves the community. He's always active in game,and on Discord. He's always giving us a hand reporting players who are disobedient. He's always helpful when new users come and helping them with getting stamps and also pin locations. Ryan is also an active member on the Pirates. If you see him around the Island, don't forget to say hello! - Bucky

Date Number Winner Description
December 28, 2018 #52 Froggybenjy Froggy is a dedicated user who loves the community. He is active in-game, on Discord, and especially on Twitter. He's always getting involved with the Club Penguin Online Twitter community and doing his part in making Club Penguin Online a very welcoming community for new players. - Riley
December 28, 2018 #51 Carmarisx Carmarisx is a very active player both on the game and on Discord, always giving us a hand reporting to players who misbehave, he participates in all events and is always delivering zumitos and Smiles, truly a great friend for all. - Icedanx
December 22, 2018 #50 Calyssa Calyssa is a friendly member in our community who goes around making others feel welcomed. Along with her welcoming personality, she is funny and easy to talk to. She is very active and helpful. She helps keep CPO safe by reporting any rule breakers to the staff team. Thanks for being such a great addition to our community, Calyssa! - Kiwii
December 18, 2018 #49 Adaleia Adaleia is an active member both in game and on discord. She makes beautiful pieces of art for the community and never passes up the chance to make friends. She is very generous and helpful to everyone around her and never fails to make people laugh! If you see her around the island, don't pass up the chance to say hello! - Kiwii
December 11, 2018 #48 Fen12345 Fen12345 is one of the most active members in the Club Penguin Online community. He can always be found chatting in our Discord server and helping other players when they have questions or problems. He also helps the staff team by reporting rule breaking and contributes to the Wiki. - Queen Badger
December 11, 2018 #47 xnxzxw Xnxzxw (or better known as Siri) is a very active and known member in our community. She is often helping members with getting stamps, pin locations, or any problem they might face. She also always helps the moderators by reporting misbehaving users. - Cindy
December 7, 2018 #46 Trollingface TROLLINGFACE is an active member of the Spanish CPO community on Discord and in game. He always helps the new users and the moderators with the reports. He also participates in all the meetings, and recently opened a Youtube channel dedicated to CPO. Definitely he is the only Troll nice to meet. - Icedanx
November 18, 2018 #45 Salem Salem is a very active and respected member in our community. He helps our moderators by reporting misbehaving members and often helps community members with any problems they might face. He is also an active member in CPO's Ninjas army and helps out alot in planning events and moderating the server. In addition to that, Salem makes spectacular art such as penguins in human form. - Cindy
November 12, 2018 #44 RaptoRex RaptoRex has been an active part of the CPO community for a long time. He helps the moderators by reporting users and helps our community members with any problem they face. Rapto also makes alot of creative art for everyone in the community including staff members. - Cindy
November 6, 2018 #43 Fruitcake984 Fruitcake984 is an active member of the CPO community on Discord and in game. He is friendly and always willing to give help to other players. He is also a highly valued moderator on the Wiki. When he isn't creating pages or helping other Wiki staff, he can be found attending ETA events. - Queen Badger
October 28, 2018 #42 AkiraXion AkiraXion is an active user both on the Discord and in-game. When she’s online, she’s helpful and is helping staff with reports, and when she’s on Discord she’s friendly and sociable. - Hazee
October 28, 2018 #41 Etay1005 Etay1005 is an active edition to the community both in-game and on the Discord. He’s helpful to all players, and helps staff by reporting bad users. He is also a member of ETA. - Hazee
October 14, 2018 #40 Twaseen TwaseenCPO is an active user both online and in-game. He is always helping out other users and is always helping out the moderators with reports. He can be found wearing similar outfits as other penguins for fun and playing games with friends. - Megs
October 8, 2018 #39 Chloe Chloe is an active user both in-game and on our Discord. She’s always welcoming new members to our community and reporting users. She loves helping out our members! - Megs
October 8, 2018 #38 Danilo Danilo is an active member in-game and on our Discord. He speaks Spanish, so you can find him both in our English and Spanish chats. He’s very helpful, and he’s also a designer for CPO. He’s a member of the Help Force as well. - Megs
October 8, 2018 #37 Crytical Crytical is an active member in-game and on our Discord. They are always welcoming new members and helping the community out. They are also apart of the official CPO wiki. - Megs
September 16, 2018 #36 ChiquiK12 Chiquik12, also known as Andrea, provides a great help to the Spanish community, has fun and teaches others in discord, participates and helps in any event with her characteristic humor. - Icedanx
September 16, 2018 #35 Harout Harout is a very active member both online and on our Discord. He send in reports and is welcoming to new members. You can often see the pictures he takes with our mods shared in our Discord. - Megs
September 16, 2018 #34 WisconApples Wisconsin Apples is a very active member both online and on our Discord. They help out with reports and welcome new members into our community. You can find them waddling around, wearing an apple costume. - Megs
August 31, 2018 #33 Scarlet Sky The second penguin to receive this reward is Scarlet Sky. Scarlet Sky is an active user both on Discord and in-game. She helps out other users, and is very friendly. She shares her baking creations with us in our Discord, and she continues to help the staff out with her reporting.
August 31, 2018 #32 Wrestlingwwe The first user to receive this reward is Wrestlingwwe. Wrestlingwwe is an active player. You can find him in on Discord, in-game, and working on the wiki as an Admin. He does a lot for the wiki community, and he finds the time to help out other people. He's a moderator on the ETA Discord as well. - Queen Badger
August 14, 2018 #31 ArtCraZee24 The second penguin to receive this award is ArtCraZee24, also known as 'Grace' on our Discord server. Similar to India's reasons, Grace is an extremely active member of our community and is friendly to everyone she meets. Congratulations, Grace! - Malcom
August 14, 2018 #30 IndiaIndia7 The first user to receive this award is IndiaInia7. India is an extremely active user for Club Penguin Online: she is active on our Discord server, in-game and is even part of our wiki team. She is extremely friendly and is a great member of our community, congratulations India! - Queen Badger
July 28, 2018 #29 13wishes 13wishes is an active member of the Club Penguin Online community, and if you are on our Discord server you will know her by the name of 'Eternal', as she is very active on our Discord server as well and makes cute edits of administrators like Riley and Cindy, congratulations!
July 21, 2018 #28 CPReunion CPReunion has been a member of the Club Penguin Online community for months, he's very active in-game and on social media, congratulations on receiving Penguin of The Week!
July 14, 2018 #27 Stuttles Stuttles is very active on our Discord server and in-game. She's friendly, kind, and helps out Club Penguin Online whenever she can - she's apart of the Wiki team and a moderator on Elite Trackers and Activities. - Queen Badger
July 9, 2018 #26 Iroh Iroh, or known as 'Gabe' on Discord, is very active in-game and on Discord, similar to Daisy. He's very friendly and is extremely welcoming to new people in the Club Penguin Online community.
July 9, 2018 #25 DJCrystal DjCrystal is Second in Command in the RPF army. She is a kind and friendly user and you'll most likely see her online trying to recruit people to the RPF army.
July 9, 2018 #24 Daisy10101 Daisy is a very active user on Club Penguin Online, both in-game and on our Discord server. If you're on our Discord server you would be aware of who she is: she is kind, very welcoming to new users, and a good person to know. - Malcom
June 16, 2018 #23 MiaRileyXO Mia is an active user on our Discord channel who welcomes all of our new members! She helps out the CPO staff by reporting bad users and answering questions other penguins have. She loves sharing pictures of her cat, and chatting with others in voice chat on Discord!
June 10, 2018 #22 TNTNUKEDUDE TNTNUKEDUDE (Tony) is an active member on our discord. His regular reports have helped to keep the community safe, and his contribution to editing the wiki is greatly valued. - Queen Badger
June 10, 2018 #21 Veera Veera is a friendly and welcoming member on our discord server. She has been a huge help on the wiki page, volunteering a lot of her time to create and improve pages. - Queen Badger
June 10, 2018 #20 Amy Yammy Amy is an active member on our discord server and in-game. She makes new users feel welcome every time they enter the server. She makes our lives easier by her helpful reports.
May 20, 2018 #19 Hey Friend 1 Hey Friend 1 is an active, friendly and helpful member on our discord server. He helps out with an additional CPO discord, CPO Mascot Tracker! He keeps CPO safe by reporting things to the staff. He is willing to help us out at any time and is very much appreciated. Congratulations Hey Friend 1! - Queen Badger
May 13, 2018 #18 Jango Jango is an active member on our Discord server and she makes incredible art for our community. She is very kind and helpful and is always welcoming new users to our server. Congratulations Jango! - Yuki
May 7, 2018 #17 Chazza She is an active user on our Discord server and always welcomes new users with warm hands. She also makes amazing CPO videos on her Youtube channel Chazza CPPS. Congratulations Chazza!
May 1, 2018 #16 Icekrill Icekrill is an active member of our community here on Club Penguin Online. He's extremely active in-game and on our Discord and loves to help everyone when in need. He's also famous for his excellent violin skills, if you're lucky you'll be able to see him in action at the Town whenever he's online.
April 21, 2018 #15 Patton Patton and Wing are both active members of the Club Penguin Online community. They're very friendly to everyone and always liven up the Club Penguin Online Discord. If you're new to Club Penguin Online and looking for a friend or role model then you would notice these two as good candidates, congratulations to them both!
April 21, 2018 #14 Wing Patton and Wing are both active members of the Club Penguin Online community. They're very friendly to everyone and always liven up the Club Penguin Online Discord. If you're new to Club Penguin Online and looking for a friend or role model then you would notice these two as good candidates, congratulations to them both!
April 7, 2018 #13 KitKat89 Kitkat89 is the leader of the CPO Help Force. Him and his team help penguins collect stamps and make new friends.
April 7, 2018 #12 Eestlane Eestlane is an active user here on CPO and helps out with the CPO wiki.
March 25, 2018 #11 MsWaddles MsWaddles is an active user of this game and on our Discord and is very nice to the users around her. Congratulations, MsWaddles!
March 18, 2018 #10 Quincy Quincy is an old user of this game, a beta tester, and has been active here for a long time. He helps with the Wiki and is a regular user on our Discord, welcoming new people and making sure everyone is alright. Congratulations, Quincy! - Riley
March 10, 2018 #9 Lhyoon Lhyoon makes awesome Club Penguin Online videos on her Youtube channel 'CPOWorld'. She's also an amazing and talented artist, making fan art for our game - she's incredible! We're glad to have a user like you in our community, congratulations Lhyoon! - Riley
March 3, 2018 #8 QueenBadger This week the winner is the user QueenBadger, congratulations! Some of you may know her as the owner of the Club Penguin Online dedicated blog 'The Iceberg Times' where she posts constant updates on Club Penguin Online. Not only that, but she's extremely active on our game is a very kind and welcoming user, congratulations Queen! - Riley
February 24, 2018 #7 Difficult We've recently seen an increase of new users in our community and Difficult has made it very easy for them to join the community by being polite and welcoming to everyone. - Riley
February 17, 2018 #6 Drawable This week I have chosen Drawable to receive this reward, congratulations! Drawable is a new user to our community. He's very active, friendly, and popular amongst users in the English speaking community on Club Penguin Online. He's also helping us grow by inviting a lot of his friends from Club Penguin Island, thank you! - Riley
February 9, 2018 #5 Silvia This week I have chosen Silvia to receive this award, congratulations! If you're a user on Alaska, then you will be familiar with the name Silvia. Silvia is an active users on Discord and in-game and is a great member of our community. - Riley
January 27, 2018 #3 Yuki This week I have chosen Yuki to receive this award, congratulations! You may notice is very active on our Discord server. She helps both English and Portuguese users as she's from Brazil. She gives new users a warm welcome to our server and is overall very caring and supportive. - Riley
January 19, 2018 #2 Qtanax This week I have chosen Qtanax to receive this award, congratulations! She has been very helpful on our Discord chat and active on-game and just generally being a good user, thank you for being such an amazing user! - Riley
January 12, 2018 #1 Emabot One user particularly caught my eye: Emabot. He's an active user on our Spanish server, Glacier. He has contributed to helping translate problems from Spanish users to our developers and has helped grow our Spanish community. Thank you, Emabot, your hard work didn't go unnoticed! - Riley


  • Originally, Penguin of the Week winners won the Penguin of the Week Background, 5,000 coins and a Party Hat
  • On January 27th, 2018, this was changed as the Beta party ended, and Penguins of the Week won the Penguin of the Week Background, 5,000 coins and an item of their choice. 
  • The ability for the winner to choose an item of their choice was removed due to users choosing mascot/bait items.
  • In December 2018, Riley changed the format of Penguin of the Week to include an English user, a Spanish user and a Portuguese user each week.
  • The last Penguins of the Week were Tpumps, Freijord and EltonJohn.
  • If the player had the Penguin of the Week role on the Discord server, they could keep it.

